October 2016
Florida State University, College of Nursing
United States




College of Nursing student Allison Schepers wrote the following nomination:  Mrs. Wheeler sparks excitement in the lives of student nurses. The moment we met her in clinical, our nerves eased a bit and our excitement shot through the roof. She truly makes the clinical experience fun and memorable. She makes each and every one of her students feel special and important. She points out ways to improve in a kind way and points out what we are good at often and passionately. She loves seeing students learn new skills and more importantly loved seeing patients smile because of something we as FSU students did for them. If a day was hard or emotionally taxing, Mrs. Wheeler was able to take a step back and say "Today was a good day! The patient in the room across the hall said she was thankful for you guys being so patient with her. She was even tearing up." Mrs. Wheeler was excited about those small, yet important, moments. She was always willing and ready to teach us and allow us to learn things by just jumping in. She would be there if we needed it but encourages independence. I learned so much from the way she spoke to patients and their families. She spoke to them sincerely, with kindness, and understanding. She was always on the lookout for new things for us to do but encouraged making the most of where each of us were placed that day. I was privileged to be her student in my first clinical experience and am all the more honored to nominate her for this award. She is a great nurse and an incredible educator. She exemplifies a DAISY educator, all around and no doubt in my mind!