Stephanie Bradshaw
June 2021
Stephanie B.
Madison Memorial Hospital
United States




Stephanie took the time to come over to my hospital bed and quickly say, "We are taking him to the NICU. He will be ok". She was right.
Minutes after our baby was born, he was really struggling to breathe. A team of nurses rushed in to give him oxygen and take him to the NICU where he stayed for 5 days. Among that team of nurses was Stephanie. I remember in the chaos of them taking my little boy off my chest and giving him oxygen and then rushing him off to the NICU, Stephanie took the time to come over to my hospital bed and quickly say, "We are taking him to the NICU. He will be ok". She was right. Our baby is okay.

He came home with us 5 days later. He is so healthy, and there is no evidence that he was ever in the NICU. This quick and miraculous recovery has so much to do with Stephanie. The day our baby was born, Stephanie was ending her last 12-hour shift before starting her 2-week vacation. You can imagine our surprise when she came back for the evening shift that night. When my husband asked why she was still at the hospital she said, "I went home. I was there for 30 minutes, and I couldn't stop thinking about your baby. I just had to come back and help him. I just couldn't stop thinking about him." She worked at the hospital with our son for 24 hours. During that shift, she took the time to talk with us about our son. She talked about the progress he was making as well as what he needed before he could come home. She was so good with our sweet baby. That night, the NICU was so full that they had to open another NICU because there were more babies needing medical attention. During the chaos, she took the time to give our baby his first bath. She was knowledgeable about his condition and so caring and attentive to our sweet boy. This gave me, a brand new mom, the confidence I needed to know that our baby would be ok. Stephanie deserves all the thanks in the world. To say that her character and dedication are heroic is an understatement.