I came to AH Waterman ER scared to death not knowing what was happening to me. I was wheeled to 5 South and saw the biggest smile from my new nurse Stephanie. I didn’t at that time know her, but she came in and introduced herself to me.
She was always there when I needed her, she sat down and we talked as she explained everything to me. She would answer all my daughter's questions so I didn’t have to. By the second day, I was feeling better as soon as I saw her smile. We joked together and enjoyed the day. I felt loved. No worries when she was around.
Due to my dizziness, the bed alarm was set to keep me safe. I was afraid but the first time I needed to get up, that smile came through the door. I am so happy to know Stephanie and by the end before I left, we were showing each other family pictures. She made my daughter go home in the evening by reassuring her everything would be taken care of. Her attitude never showed one oz of trouble. The right attitude, caring and smiles made my stay at Waterman above excellent.