Stevie Merryweather
September 2020
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom




Stevie is an absolute credit to the team and I know that I would have struggled to get through my birth without her. I was in labour for 36 hours and she was the one who kept me sane and calm when I was in the most excruciating pain I've ever experienced. I had my waters broken artificially and needed an epidural to help with the pain. I was absolutely terrified of having it but I was desperate for it because of the horrific pain I was in, Stevie stayed with me during this, keeping me calm and talking me through everything.
My mum and partner were both with me and she did everything she could to keep them comfortable for the 24 hours that they were in the hospital with me, giving them blankets and pillows to help them get some sleep.
I needed hormones to strengthen my contractions to help me push and she talked me through everything, praising me for my pushing and how well I was doing.
I didn't want a Cesarean section if I could avoid it, and I would've needed one if it weren't for Stevie. My baby was facing my bottom instead of facing up which made him get stuck, and instead of forceps or a C-section, she immediately went to get the Doctor who held the baby's head and turned him around so he was facing the right way, Stevie then helped me to deliver my gorgeous 10lb 10oz son! I had a cuddle and skin to skin before his cord was cut and whilst the placenta was being delivered. I was then taken to theatre to be sewn up as I had torn a third-degree tear. When I came back to the room where my baby was, Stevie made sure that he was stripped back down and had more skin to skin with me as she knew this was important to me. She talked me through how to breastfeed also as I was struggling and I wanted to give him his first feed.
She eventually left due to finishing her shift but I have never known such a lovely and professional woman. She made me feel so comfortable when I was at my most vulnerable and went above and beyond the call of duty for both me, my baby, my mum, and my partner.
Stevie is a credit to midwifery and should be shown as an example of how they should be. Stevie is a wonderful lady who I wish all the best for.