Suha Mohammad Mahmoud Nemer
February 2023
Suha Mohammad Mahmoud
Saudi German Hospital Dammam
Ad Dammam
Eastern Province
Saudi Arabia




She even went further in the explanation until she increased reassurance and calmness as if she was a gift from God to remove the anxiety from inside of me.
She went beyond and above expectations, words of thanks are not enough to thank her.

I entered the endoscopy department and I was very afraid, I didn't know what awaited me, and even though everyone told me it was a simple procedure, my fear was beyond any. I was so afraid of anesthesia, I was so anxious about the outcomes of a gastrointestinal biopsy. While I was waiting, I met the nurse who will accompany me during the endoscopy. She removed the fear from my heart with her smile. 

She treated me with kindness and mercy, which I felt when she was preparing me and during the insertion of the cannula, she explained to me all the details. She even went further in the explanation until she increased reassurance and calmness as if she was a gift from God to remove the anxiety from inside of me.

She gave me confidence and she assured my heart that nothing will happen to us except what God has written for us.

She also went to my parents and my waiting sister to reassure them as if she was a sister to me, and she didn’t let my father be too anxious or worried about me.

I finished the procedure, and she was with me every moment. She was the first person next to me after I woke up from anesthesia with her hand firmly holding my hand as if she was telling me that I am strong.

She treated me with all the love and care that I didn't expect, especially since I had bad experiences in another hospital.

I hope my words reach everyone who reads these lines.
I can only pray for her success in her life for her dedication to love and care. I thank the Saudi German Hospital for all its efforts to raise the level of the health sector.