Summer Shofner
December 2023
5 North
Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Hillcrest
United States




Summer Shofner is a true professional with great skill and the heart of a healer.
Summer Shofner was my nurse in 2021 after having a cancerous tumor surgically removed. She demonstrated excellent care in every aspect of my recovery. She was especially concerned for my comfort by continually asking me about my pain level. She always provided medication when necessary and respected my decision to take less when I felt my pain was tolerable. She ensured I understood how important it is for me to move about as my strength allowed, as well as assisting me each time to get up and walk.

She followed all protocols required for mask-wearing and hand sanitizing. More importantly, she was always available shortly after I hit the “nurse call” button. As busy as everyone was, I never felt like I was less than her most important patient.

Nurse Shofner’s professionalism, again, was demonstrated in 2019 when she was my night-shift nurse after I had a cancerous kidney removed. Then, I was incapable of doing anything for myself for several days. She cared for me with the same level of concern and meticulous attention to detail. During that time, she helped keep my wife informed of what they were doing and my condition.

Summer Shofner is a true professional with great skill and the heart of a healer.


Just last week, this patient was back on 5 North and had passed away. Summer had the opportunity to provide post-mortem care to the patient and comfort his grieving wife. The wife was so glad to see Summer, and this story speaks to how the care we provide and the relationships we build with our patients can really make an impact for years:

"That the patient's family member returned and delivered cookies to the unit and gave flowers to Summer. She did not know who I was and explained to me that Summer was ‘an angel’ to her during this hard time and that she prayed that all of our staff could share the same type of love and support they felt from Summer during all of their hospital stays. She was very tearful but so thankful for our facility and the care that we provided not only to her husband but to her, too."

"Summer sat with his wife in the room, comforting her as she cried. The wife did not have any family near here, so she was all alone. Although Summer had the pressure of attending the whole unit as a charge nurse, she was patient with the wife and made her feel like she was the only person who mattered in these moments. She held her hand during the honor walk, and the wife thanked her for all she had done for her and the patient."