Summer Williams
June 2020
Emergency Department
Ascension Seton Williamson
Round Rock
United States




A male patient arrived in the ED via EMS. This man in his 80's was clearly very sick. EMS report stated patient c/o "failure to thrive". Summer hit the ground running and was determined to find the root of the problem. The patient was hypotensive and tachycardic and exhibiting many other clinical signs of sepsis to include altered mental status. The patient was trying to communicate that he was in pain secondary to what looked like a very infected area in his oral cavity. The swelling made his speech difficult to understand and his confusion made it very difficult to understand. Summer very patiently sat down while holding the patient's hand and rubbing his head told him she was listening, for him not to be afraid, she was going to take care of him, and she kept her promise.
Summer went above and beyond to advocate for her patient. She made sure that the on-duty MD knew this patient was having far bigger issues and complications that the initial relayed complaint of "failure to thrive". While waiting for test results to come back, Summer went above and beyond to make this patient comfortable. She made a warm compress with a washrag and held it on his face and neck to help with the pain. She then used warm washrags to wipe the secretions from his eye. At one point during Summer's interactions with this patient, she sang to him. He was crying and yelling out and as soon as she started singing to him he sang along with her.
Summer went above and beyond for her patient. She not only advocated for him but she was his voice in his time of need. Watching Summer's interactions with this patient warmed my heart and put tears in my eyes. I have been an EMT for 12 years. I've had the pleasure of working alongside a very diverse group of nurses. Summer is truly one of a kind. She is who we should aspire to be when providing care for our patients. Summer has inspired me so much in working with her I have finally taken the first leap in my own personal journey. This is a goal I set long ago and have had many excuses and reasons not to move forward with. She was my last little kick in the rear I needed to take the next steps on moving forward to obtain my RN.
She might not be thrilled about me submitting this because she is so humble. She will probably just say she was doing her job, but clearly this is more than just a job to her and she deserves to know her kindness, compassion, and love does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.