Sunshine Williams
July 2020
Behavioral Health
SSM Health St. Joseph - St. Charles
St. Charles
United States




First of all, I am a pharmacist and have worked part-time for SSM Wentzville for 13 years. I have always been impressed with Sunshine's work ethic. I have seen her do jobs that need to be done but haven't been addressed yet. I have seen her clean up the med room on occasion, for instance. Whenever I interact with her in person or on the phone, she is always knowledgeable about the situation and can offer up other facts that sometimes help clarify an Rx order. If she doesn't know, she will address it with the physician in short order. She never makes me feel rushed or like I am irritating her no matter how busy she is. She is very competent as a nurse and as a charge nurse. She is a great teacher to new nurses and does not have a judging way about her as these nurses ask sometimes "simple" or "obvious" questions. She is a team player, always available to help assist someone. Every time I call her about home meds reconciliations that are not complete, I can count on her finishing them as her next priority. She is also a team player - helping to de-escalate patients effectively and fearlessly. She has a very approachableness about her that resonates with patients and staff. She really is a ray of sunshine on that unit. Perfectly named by her parents! May we all seek to go above and beyond to our peers and fellow patients each and every day, building on our SSM heritage as she does.