Susana Baker
January 2023
1 East
Sentara Obici Hospital
United States




She talked to us with compassion and a desire to help us understand the process.
We want to thank Susana for how she cared for RS as he transitioned into eternity in January 2023. Susana's compassion and empathy for our family were evident in how she treated our dying father/grandfather. She spoke to him with dignity and respect every time she administered his medication. She talked to us with compassion and a desire to help us understand the process. Upon learning about his service in the US Navy, Susana shared that she, too, served in the Navy for five years. She made such an intentional connection to him and us. Recognizing our sorrow and sadness in his final days, she made our visits/stay more comfortable by providing warm blankets, fresh coffee, meals, and even an in-room snack cart. We have never been treated with such love and attention by hospital staff. Susana, thank you for your selflessness and care for our family. Your passion for nursing is evident in the way you perform your job. Our hearts are forever grateful. Thank you!