Tabatha Hall
November 2018
Clinical Documentation Application Team
Vidant Medical Center
United States




This letter is to nominate Tabatha Hall for the DAISY Award. Tabatha, a Nurse Congress member last year, brought to me the idea of the Nursing Honor Guard and wanted the support of Nurse Congress in this beautiful ceremony - which we gladly have!!!
The Nursing Honor Guard was created to pay homage to nurses upon their death that have dedicated their professional lives to nursing. It is truly an honor and privilege to be a part of these final services. The Guards are dressed in their white uniforms, Nursing Caps, and Nursing Badges. The Nursing Honor Guard members stand silent and guard prior to funeral service. Then when it is time for the Nursing Honor Guard part of the service the following is completed: The Nightingale Pledge is read and a "Final Call to Duty" is requested. Upon the end of call, the Nightingale lamp the guard has been holding will be extinguished and then given to the family to keep. The Lamp's extinguished flame is a symbol that the nurse's task and duties are now complete and they may go home in peace.
Tabatha has brought this to Vidant Medical Center and it has been received with open arms and many tears of thankfulness. Tabatha drove out of state to perform our first ceremony for a nurse that spent his career with our organization. The family was so honored and thankful to have this ceremony performed at his celebration of life. Through her dedication to the Guard, she has reached out to multiple funeral homes in our communities where she has educated and provided information about this service so they may offer it to families upon the loss of nurse loved one. She continues to work on other promotional/education avenues to ensure that this ceremony is known about and provided to nurses when requested. For those that have been a part of the ceremony or had the opportunity to witness it truly is an honor to be part of a final goodbye to a fellow nurse. As a profession, we offer up much of our lives in service to others because that is where our hearts have lead us - compassion and care. Thank you, Tabatha, for providing us with the opportunity to give back to our profession one last time!