May 2021
VNA Health Group
North Brunswick
United States




Tamara made sure that she assisted the husband with finding resources and addressing immediate cleanliness concerns, without insulting his pride in his ability to care for his wife.
Tamara has always been a patient advocate and takes responsibility for ensuring that all her patients’ needs are met, whether it be physical, psychosocial, or spiritual. There was one case a while ago where an elderly blind man was caring for his wife. Due to his own limitations, he was experiencing difficulty with cleanliness and ensuring that the home was a safe place for his wife. He was a very proud man and wanted to ensure that he was the one caring for his wife. Tamara made sure that she assisted the husband with finding resources and addressing immediate cleanliness concerns, without insulting his pride in his ability to care for his wife. This patient eventually graduated from hospice, but her care made sure that a sad situation didn’t become an unsafe or tragic situation.