Tami Gough
May 2022
Medical Intensive Care Unit
Atrium Health Navicent Baldwin
United States




Tami brought in polish and all the supplies necessary to give the patient a mani-pedi.
During the height of COVID-19, when families were not allowed at the bedside, I witnessed my staff work tirelessly, with dedication, in an environment that was changing daily. Emotions were high, as we figured out how to navigate this evolving virus. For the safety of all, families that were loved one’s caregivers were now told they could not visit the bedside. Nurses FaceTimed families as they could and kept them up-to-date on daily progress, but it’s not the same as a loved one holding your hand and asking questions on your behalf. If you could imagine a patient that depended on a loved one to meet their needs daily, then you could imagine just how stressful an Intensive Care Unit admission could be alone, away from that support.

All the staff caring for this patient fell in love with her warm smile and kind spirit. They would visit with her and keep her company as much as possible until she was out of her precaution window. There were two nurses however that took compassion to the next level that I would like to nominate for The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses. Malecia Savage who has been with our hospital since 1996. She bought the patient a baby doll to love on and entertain during her long hours in the hospital. The patient seemed to love her gift. Malecia’s attention to her patient helped her connect to the patient on a deeper level giving her insight on how to meet the emotional needs of the patient as well.

Tami Gough who has been with our hospital since 2019 also gave the special gift of a “spa day”. She brought in polish and all the supplies necessary to give the patient a mani-pedi. This patient loved her mani-pedi and special attention. Tami, also looking beyond the medical and physical needs, took the time to turn this hospital experience into a more positive experience. As nurses, we desire to help others, but this patient always made our days better with her positive attitude and kind smile. It’s patients like this and staff so caring that make this job so rewarding even through difficult times. I am thankful to report after much love and support the patient made a great recovery and was able to return home. I am honored to work with such a superior group of nurses!