Tara Morse
October 2015
Labor & Delivery
Miami Valley Hospital- Premier Health
United States




I accompanied a patient who is enrolled in "Promise of Hope", a program for opiate addicted mothers, to triage in Labor and Delivery. The patient was from out of town and alone, as well as going through withdrawal. She was scared, ashamed and felt the guilt of her addiction. She kept apologizing and saying she had only known she was pregnant for two weeks.
Tara's smile and comforting words were like a balm. She assured the patient that she was not there to judge her but to help her. Tara continued to commend her for choosing to begin the road to recovery.
It was a pivotal moment as the patient began sobbing like a child. Tara, without words, embraced and held her while the patient poured her heart out, telling of the trauma in her life that she was trying to medicate herself for.
I saw the heart of nursing displayed before my eyes! Tara showed unconditional acceptance - the place where healing begins.
Tara is a "true" nurse. She did not see a drug addict, she saw someone full of pain and shame who came to us for help. Tara was there to begin the journey with this desperate mother.
Tara has renewed my hope that nursing has not lost focus on the patient and the human touch. Thank you, Tara for such a valuable lesson!