Taylor Dale
June 2019
5E Medical Stepdown
Christiana Care Health System
United States




Due to c-section complications, I was hospitalized for 25 of the first 38 days of my daughter's life. I was home and with my baby for short periods of time but kept ending up sick and back in the hospital. During this time, a 16 and under flu restriction was in effect at the hospital, making it impossible to visit with my weeks-old baby.
Taylor recognized the immense mental toll the separation from my baby was having on my mental health. Without me even knowing, she fought hard for the hospital to make an exception to the flu restriction and provide me with a meeting space for a visit. She spoke with anyone who would listen and after days of advocating on my behalf, she got the hospital to set up special arrangements for me to see my daughter. Taylor went beyond giving me my medicine and caring for me bedside - she saw me as a person, as a mom, who was severely struggling with being separated from her child.
I can never thank Taylor enough for helping me feel like a new person after that visit. I hope she is able to read this and know how much she helped me to heal. The world needs more caring people like Taylor, and I am so glad our paths crossed.