Taylor O'Neal
December 2020
Pediatric ICU
VCU Health




Taylor responded to every one of our emotions and reactions with empathy and understanding.
Taylor's level of care and compassion is second to none. She was our son's nurse for 3 straight days following his arrival at VCU. She stood with us while my husband and I received the most difficult news. She responded to every one of our emotions and reactions with empathy and understanding. She did anything she could to make our stay here comfortable.
Our son's first Halloween was during this admission. Taylor brought him a pumpkin costume to wear, and she wore her pumpkin scrub top to match. Putting that costume on him brought us so much happiness and made us smile for the first time in days. On days when Taylor wasn't caring for him, she would always check on him and us.
Taylor deserves the utmost acknowledgment for that and so much more. Her caring was visible and genuine. Thank you, Taylor!