Taylor Smith
February 2022
Taylor R
Grandview Medical Center
United States




From the moment you see Taylor, she is all smiles, full of happiness, and brings a warm energy to a room that at times, can be very dark.
During our stay in the NICU at Grandview, our world was flipped upside down when we were told our baby girl's chance of survival was next to none, and I was stuck in the hospital an hour and 20 minutes away and unable to go be with my baby. The first few days were a kind of hard that is unable to explain, but calling and talking to R’s nurses, or more like crying to them, telling them about how hard this was and my wishes for R were some of the hardest conversations I’ve had, but the first nurse to tell me that they had high hope for my R was Taylor. She told me all about the improvements she saw, and the good signs, but also the bad. I could feel Taylor’s care and compassion through the phone before I ever met her. She never made me feel like I was being a bother calling numerous times on her shift to check on R. She never rushed me off the phone or made me feel like she didn’t have time for me. And then I got to meet Taylor. From the moment you see her, she is all smiles, full of happiness, and brings a warm energy to a room that at times, can be very dark.

Everything she did for my R was done with so much love and care. She talked to R about how beautiful she was and how special she was. She cheered for her with every milestone she reached during her time in the NICU. She made sure to always keep me in the loop of her milestones during the time I wasn’t able to be there. Taylor took care of my girl many of our days and numerous times I would arrive at the hospital and she was just rocking my baby girl in my absence. Anytime R was upset, she was always in her room immediately to check on her and console her.

Taylor is a nurse like no other and has truly found her calling in NICU. Patients are so blessed to have her as their nurse, I remember being so thrilled every morning I called and Taylor had my girl. I had a wave of peace, comfort, and relief come over me. Nearing discharge, I remember talking to Taylor and her telling me about how sad she was that my R was going home, but how she was so incredibly proud and happy for her and us. Taylor has kept in touch with us and still followed up on R quite frequently.

The NICU is a rollercoaster no parent ever wants to be on, but Taylor made our NICU stay bearable. She always reminded me that R was making progress when it felt like there was no end in sight. She always reminded me about how far she came from and what obstacles she had already overcome, as a parent, sometimes that’s hard to remember. We miss our “tay tay” as she calls herself to the babies. If there is any nurse I can think of who deserves this, it’s Taylor. Grandview NICU is so lucky to have her. We can’t thank her enough.