Teresa Whittaker
September 2021
Seidman 3 - BMT
UH Seidman Cancer Center
Avon Lake
United States




Teresa made sure there was a giant sign in my room with messages from all the nurses.
Teresa has been one of my oncology nurses since my original diagnosis in April. Doctors, PAs, NPs, all come through the room quickly and efficiently with reports and progress but Teresa is who breaks it down in detail but not with confusion. She’s the rock-solid truth, hardcore Cleveland that I need in this situation. My birthday was during an inpatient chemo round, Teresa made sure there was a giant sign in my room with messages from all the nurses. When I am cleared and approved for discharge after a round, she’s speedy to get me out instead of "hurry up and wait". She’s a great communicator and speaks to you like a friend rather than a patient, lets you know exactly how you’re doing during the process, and most importantly, I believe she can read her patients’ personalities. She is not going to speak to an elderly patient as she speaks to me, she uses a vernacular appropriate for each individual. Always upbeat, been here twenty years though she looks younger than that. Always happy when she’s assigned to me.