Teri M Wilkinson
May 2024
Teri M
Nursing Administration
Beebe Healthcare
United States




Having a leader who exhibits gratitude, kindness, compassion, authenticity, empathy, and inspiration keeps those employees coming back day after day, striving to make a difference in what we do.
Disclaimer: While you may see that I use the word "I" a lot in this nomination, please don't take it the wrong way. This isn't about me at all. In fact, it's about someone who makes me feel like I am important and what I do is valuable.
This nomination is to honor someone who brings joy, peace, and love to work every day.

Second Disclaimer: Please do NOT escort her into a Leadership 101 class for all the things she's not supposed to be doing as a B-O-S-S. I'm here to tell you that despite what all the leadership books say about ruling with an iron fist- that autocratic approach does not keep your employees happy, fulfilled, and eager to do a good job every day. Having a leader who exhibits gratitude, kindness, compassion, authenticity, empathy, and inspiration keeps those employees coming back day after day, striving to make a difference in what we do.

Now, onto my nomination.
Have you ever had a boss tell you she loves you? I do.
Or how about a boss who adds heart emojis to her text messages? I do.
Or cries with you when you deliver terrible personal news? I do.
What about sharing their own personal weaknesses, struggles, and failures? I do.

My nomination has so many incredible attributes that it is difficult to narrow these qualities down into a few statements, so I will do my best to carve out some concrete examples of why Teri is a DAISY Nurse Leader.

Teri possesses EMPATHY: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

We had a considerable opportunity last year when it was decided that our team would be going 24/7. We knew this was going to cause·angst. Schedules would be altered; there would be disruptions in our team members' personal lives once this move was made. In our hearts, Teri and I knew this was the right thing to do for our patients. She confided in me that she worried how the team would react, and wanted reassurance (from me) that we were doing the right thing. I reinforced that although change would be hard- we knew it was the right decision. Fast forward to the meeting day. I could sense her trepidation initially when we began the meeting, but soon a gentle, sensitive, sincere message was delivered on why we were embarking on this new journey. Her words were tender and there was a realness she conveyed that she knew and understood that it would be an initial hardship, but would only lead to greater accomplishments for our team. She allowed for digestion of the news, she was sensitive, listened and provided reassurance. In the weeks following the news, team members did have many questions. She validated these questions and concerns with ease, always carving out time to ensure none of us felt unsupported. (You'll be happy to know that this decision was the right decision­ our patients are receiving around the clock vascular access care from a dedicated team with the most current evidence based care.)

Teri possesses an endless supply of KINDNESS. When I found myself hospitalized back in the fall, Teri came and sat with me for nearly an hour. Just talking with me, listening, and, above all, reminding me to keep my faith first. Reminding me that I was in capable hands and that I was protected by the almighty, powerful God above. In addition, several of my team members have gone through similar personal health struggles and she proves to be a solid source of strength, COMPASSION and HUMILITY.

Teri is SUPPORTIVE. Our team is very interested in practicing at the top of our license in placing higher acuity devices, obtaining national certification, and also developing innovative opportunities to provide additional services. She has guided us in all of the necessary avenues, establishing the right contacts to develop this opportunity for our patients.

Teri is INSPIRATIONAL: encouraging and imparting a divine influence on the mind and soul.

While Teri herself has experienced recent changes in reporting structure- I never once heard her complain about needing to re-align goals or strategic planning or change course in what fire needs to be put out today. She remains RESILIENT and OPTIMISTIC about what the future holds and consistently sees the good in what that future holds. She holds others accountable for their actions and reassures us on why we must be held accountable- our patients, families, and coworkers depend on us. I've seen her work tirelessly on numerous occasions relating to restraints, Joint Commission Preparedness, educational needs, and other domains that report to her as well.

I hope that these kind words are enough to provide reassurance that we have an ANGEL walking amongst us. Someone who gives her best everyday, even though she may experience obstacles, failures and pressures that are meant to knock her down- you won't see anything other than a kind hearted person who gives her all, with a smile and a pat on the back- reminding each of us that we possess the qualities to do great things.
Teri Michelle Wilkinson

Trustworthy, Empowering, Resilient, Inspiring

Motivational, Integrity, Compassionate, Humble, Empathetic, Loving, Loyal, Encouraging

Welcoming, Inviting, Likable, Kindness, Incredible, Nurturing, Supportive, Optimistic, Non-Judgmental

I could honestly go on and on about all of her highlights, yet I would still never be able to name them all or count them all. She just happens to be one of those people who, once you meet them and know them, you realize you've met someone special who will always be in your corner.