Tess Watson
January 2024
Cardio Vascular
Utah Valley Hospital
United States




Tess’s genuine compassion and empathy. She didn't just administer medications and check vitals; she provided emotional support when we needed it most.
During my husband's recent hospitalization, I found myself overwhelmed with worry and stress. The days were long, and the uncertainty was taking a toll on both of us. It was during this challenging time that Nurse Tess made a remarkable difference in our care.

One evening, as I sat by my husband's bedside, feeling exhausted and emotionally drained, Nurse Tess entered the room with a warm smile. She could sense the anxiety in the room and immediately took the time to sit down and talk to us. She asked about our concerns, listened attentively, and reassured us that she would do everything in her power to make my husband's stay as comfortable as possible. What stood out the most was Tess’s genuine compassion and empathy. She didn't just administer medications and check vitals; she provided emotional support when we needed it most. She took the time to explain medical procedures and treatment options in a way that was easy for us to understand, alleviating our fears. 

Tess even came in on her day off to see the quilt I had brought in and shared my passion for quilting, helping to take my mind off the situation we were in. Tess’s dedication didn't end there. She continued to be a source of comfort and reassurance throughout my husband's stay, always going the extra mile to ensure our well-being. Her compassion and professionalism made a difficult time a bit more bearable, and for that, we are immensely grateful. Tess truly made a meaningful and positive difference in our care during a challenging period in our lives.