Tessa Sirmans
July 2023
Labor & Delivery
AdventHealth for Children
United States




Tessa handpicked the person who would do my epidural and she, my husband and I had a plan in place for the epidural.
I was induced with my second child, R. Our nurse Tessa greeted us in the lobby, owned it by apologizing for a minimal delay, and prior to ever touching me genuinely asked about my first birth experience. I communicated with her that I had a hot spot during my first birth that required multiple redos of the epidural and how challenging and traumatizing my first birth was for me. Tessa was not only extremely calming, caring about me as a person and never ever treated me as "a number" or just another patient. She asked me what my wishes were for this pregnancy and the only thing I wanted was to hold my baby after birth... something I had not experienced with my first birth due to my own health.

Tessa conveyed confidently that she would try to make this request happen provided everything was okay with my baby and me. She told me what would happen if the baby required any treatment and was extremely communicative and reassuring that our goals were in alignment. Tessa handpicked the person who would do my epidural and she, my husband and I had a plan in place for the epidural. I would start pit, and when I felt things were progressing I would eat, get the epidural, and ensure it was optimal before the pit was increased and I could no longer tolerate the pain.

I ate, the CRNA completed the epidural after some troubleshooting and extreme attention to detail the epidural worked! When Tessa tried to turn me my water broke. She then expertly performed a cervical check and identified I had progressed quickly but could not feel my baby's head. She was swift to act, and contacted the midwife who confirmed via US our baby R was frank breech and I was professing extremely quick requiring a C-Section something I had not even considered in the realm of possibilities even as a NICU nurse.

I was told by so many different doctors his head was down by feeling my stomach- Tessa and the midwife were extremely quick to act which I whole-heartedly believe saved my son's life... my son whom I have prayed for and used fertility treatments to have which only magnified my anxiety of needing a C-section. As soon as I saw the US I knew what was going to happen and I was completely terrified, more scared than I have ever been in my life and asked Tessa if I could have a minute to process this with my husband. She said she wanted to respect that and would give us some time but was clear that we needed to move quickly for our safety.

While I was crying with my husband and bracing myself for what was to come Tessa so compassionately, confidently, and professionally organized the medical team of doctors, NICU nurses, and RTs, even requesting the CRNA who performed my epidural to be present at our delivery. Despite the chaos I knew we'd be cared for because Tessa and the CRNA were caring for us. I know that it was a busy day in L&D but I never once felt like Tessa was too busy to ensure my family was the priority.

Prior to the c-section my husband had to wait outside for what felt like hours but was a mere 10 minutes; Tessa checked on me held my hand and continued to reassure me that I could do it and that I would reconnect with my husband very soon. Our son was screaming within 30 minutes or so of Tessa identifying there was an issue. I don't know what would have happened to either of us (my son or me) had I had a different nurse that day.

After the c-section, I experienced some pain and Tessa was right there to get Dr. D back to the OR to ensure I was safe. In the PACU she held my hand and told me she would not leave until she knew I was comfortable and safe despite it now being extremely close to shift change. She has three babies at home but prioritized my family above her own... I didn't get to hold my baby after delivery like we "planned" but she ensured once we were safe I could hold him and nurse him like I dreamed of for 40 weeks and 2 days.

My husband and I will never think of R being born without Tessa. She was so instrumental in our birth story and outcome and it is not lost on us how vital of a role she played in keeping us all safe even beyond her own needs. Thank you will never ever be enough. I am in tears as I write this on my home from the hospital with my son minutes away from introducing him to my other sweet baby C. It was so important to me to share Tessa's work with everyone because she is now a part of our family.