Tia Diver
April 2021
Fetal Health Unit
Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust
United Kingdom




Tia happened to be on annual leave the week I was having my baby; when she saw my name on the list she canceled her annual leave without me knowing.
I would like to thank you, Tia, as when I was pregnant with my first daughter I had a few complications which resulted in two weekly growth scans and monitoring for reduced movements. Tia was explained to me in depth what was happening and what to expect. She was so caring, kind, and just fantastic at her job that I built such a good relationship with her. I was a nervous first-time mum and she put all the worries I had to rest for me.

Then I was scheduled for a c-section and Tia happened to be on annual leave the week I was having my baby; when she saw my name on the list she canceled her annual leave without me knowing. Then waiting on the ward the morning of my c-section, a face appeared round my curtain and said, “Shall we go and have a baby?” It was Tia to my surprise! I burst into happy tears and couldn’t believe she was there. She walked me down to theatre and was there by my side the whole way through. She was the first to hold my daughter, pass her to me for skin-to-skin contact, cut her cord along with my partner. Tia then revisited me daily while I was on the ward and had many cuddles with my daughter.

Then I fell pregnant again in 2020. I was admitted to the ward again and she was just so supportive and having that friendly face that I recognized during a tough time made things that bit easier. Unfortunately, that week I gave birth to my second daughter at 22 weeks 2 days. Tia came down to the snowdrop room to see me after hearing my news. She shared her condolences and held my daughter. She made me cry again as I truly feel she is such a fantastic midwife and without her, I don’t know who medically I could have turned to. So the biggest heart-felt thank you goes to Tia.