Tim Hawkins
January 2023
Care in the Community
VA Pacific Islands Health Care System
United States




He promotes teamwork in and out of his department, where colleagues work together to promote the most efficient care for our veterans.
Tim is a world and wealth of knowledge for this department.     


There’s been a delay of processing care in Guam. Tim has done a lot in partnering with me and the leadership in Guam in expediting delayed consult to the Guam area. Tim has personally emailed vendors and leadership creating a bridge of communication that enhanced the speed in which we are able to deliver timely care to our Guam veterans.          


I am nominating our CITC Nurse Manager Tim Hawkins. He is a great example of leading a large Team of Nurses into providing the best care for our Veterans. One example is he has been responsive to any questions that arise while reviewing RFS requests from Vendors. With the tons of community requests we receive daily, with his prompt collaborative responses, I am able to timely process some of the most complex requests effectively and efficiently without any delay in the Veterans' care. As broad as this may sound, having a Nurse Manager who actively collaborates with us has made my job less frustrating and more enjoyable! Most importantly it has given me more drive to think creatively to provide the best care for our Veterans.     


Mr. Hawkins has been the “rock” of CITC. He has the ability to understand and feel the concerns of his fellow nurses. He takes the time to listen to concerns and problems and brings critically thought-out solutions.                 

Tim is one of those rare unicorns of a manager that we all hope to work for/with. He’s proven to me that I can bring any concern that I may have to him and not worry about judgment. Tim is always available for any questions and/or concerns his team and other departments may have and has even done an impromptu in-service during an all-nursing town hall. He promotes teamwork in and out of his department, where colleagues work together to promote the most efficient care for our veterans. No matter how busy Tim is, he always follows through and will f/u on concerns/problems to better assist his employees and veterans. Tim’s what I would consider a CITC encyclopedia. Any questions I have regarding a consult, authorization, or an RFS; I can count on Tim to have the answer readily available. If not, then at least where I can go to gain the answer. Tim is steadily trying to trim the fat in our process to keep it all streamlined within the parameters of our field guidebook. He regularly keeps our focus on our goal which is to serve our veterans. Since becoming a part of CITC in March of 2020 and working under Tim he has consistently led by example. When the Referral Coordination Initiative in our VISN added all other specialties, Tim took on the task of getting our Referral Coordination Team up and running. As challenging and trying as it was for all of us, he was steadfast in guiding us thru it all and was successfully able to build our team up enough for the next nurse manager to step into a team that was a well-oiled machine. Tim has time and again filled in the gaps needed for our department. He recently at one point was wearing the hat of our Nurse Manager, the Acting ACN, as well as, I’m sure taking on duties of the VACC Deputy Chief who recently moved on from our VISN.     


My story is not on a specific Veteran but overall the process that Tim provides to the CITC nurses in order for our veterans to be seen in the community. I feel that he provides good counsel and overall does the right thing for our patients. He’s always there to guide us as nurses when there are questions or uncertainty with the consults upon reviewing.