Tina Thai
December 2020




My daughter had a preemie born at 36 weeks that aspirated amniotic fluid. She was emergently transferred to the NICU at INTEGRIS Baptist. After settling into the unit, Tina paid so close attention to her. She even remembered the details. She was so diligent. We definitely see why INTEGRIS was able to obtain Magnet status! We were literally walked through goals for discharge and each daily goal. She was very thorough and proficient. She demonstrated her skill and experience so well. She was quick to answer questions and reassured us. She made us so comfortable with all of the lines that come with a NICU baby. We are so thankful for the blessing that INTEGRIS has been. From helping us find a place to stay to ensuring we had everything needed for discharge. Yours is a ministry of care and love; not just to the patients, but also to the family.