Tom Thuerer
April 2023
St. Luke's
United States




Andi and Tom helped this patient with wound care, arranging transportation, new appt/referral to wound care, and it took hours of their time to coordinate all of this.
We had a patient show up at our clinic about 3 weeks ago asking for help with a wound on her leg. She is homeless, in a wheelchair, and has a large wound. She was seen in the ER and referred to wound care but was unable to get there due to transportation. Andi and Tom helped this patient with wound care, arranging transportation, new appt/referral to wound care, and it took hours of their time to coordinate all of this. The next day this patient called and expressed that the transportation that was arranged for her to get to wound care did not show up. Andi and Tom, then again, spent a lot of time trying to help and coordinate care, and, in the end, the patient had to come back to our clinic for more wound care. This patient has been coming in every few days for the last three weeks for wound care because her PCP office (not a St. Luke's clinic) and transportation have not been getting back in contact with our clinic. She is staying at a shelter nearby and can get here in her motorized wheelchair but then has to charge it while she is here, so she is able to get back to her facility. Andi and Tom have been doing hours of wound care each time this patient comes in. We are not a wound care clinic, so they have been doing the best they can with the supplies we have, and thankfully, the patient is doing better but still has a long road of recovery ahead of her. She is not a patient of CCFM, but Andi and Tom have gone above and beyond to help this patient when they could've just referred her to her PCP's office.