December 2022
Emergency Room
Horizon Health
United States




Tonya has even been known to take a patients' clothing home, wash it, and return it the next day so it is clean for their discharge.
This RN is the definition of selfless. I have had the honor of knowing and working beside a few RNs who exuded the same qualities that this RN possesses. Webster defines Selfless as “concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own; unselfish”. The Bible describes in Matthew 12:31 "The more we think of ourselves, the less we think of others, and the more self-centered we become." Jesus tells us that the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbors as ourselves.

When I put those parameters around the acts of selfless giving, I can always think of this RN. From the countless hours she puts in for the Red Kettle Christmas campaign for the United Way, to the additional worked hours at her local church helping run children’s programs or youth activities, to assisting local charities campaign, raising funds and volunteers, I admire her giving of herself. She is one of the only RNs I know who is cross-trained to work in almost any clinical department within the facility and routinely is “working” somewhere on her “days off.” If she is not working here, she is working for her family and extended family, including her church family. Taking people to doctor appointments, navigating friends and families through the healthcare system, providing meals to those unable to cook, and delivering much-needed medications for some shut-in parishioners.

Just looking at her schedule exhausts me! I have explained a lot of what she does outside of work, but more amazing is her selflessness inside her department. She advocates for patients who may not have a ride home by calling all around until she can locate someone. She has been instrumental in advocating that we needed stock clothing and shoes in our department, citing how she has cut someone’s clothing off or needed to change soiled clothing but wanted the patient to have dignity leaving the facility with clothes, rather than gowns or paper products. She has even been known to take a patients' clothing home, wash it, and return it the next day so it is clean for their discharge.

She is constantly caring for her peers and coworkers before herself. She is routinely known to not take her lunch until everyone else has theirs completed. I think the number one thing that stood out to me recently was really awe-inspiring and I felt she needed recognizing. She had a patient who expired tragically and was also a close friend. She set her emotions and own needs aside and continued to be a pillar of strength for the family, the children, and even the pastor. She was reported to have recognized the pastor struggling to get his emotions under control and showed him quietly to an area where he could gather himself, provided comfort and calm to him, and then politely gave her strength and support to the family until the pastor could return.

When my eyes met hers that morning, I asked her if she needed a break and if could I relieve her so she could go for a walk or get away from the department. Her words will forever ring in my ears. She stated, “This is me. This is who I am and I need to do this. I will deal with my emotions later.” I was so inspired and in awe of her strength and dedication but more so, her selflessness. I later learned she went home after a 13-hour shift and made food for the family to take to them in their time of grief and returned the next day early to work so another co-worker could take their daughter to her first day of school!

Tonya Westerfield sets her own needs aside. She works for the greater good. She works for passion and purpose. Her “why” is greater than self. I am proud to know her, work beside her and learn from her each day how to be a better human to mankind