April 2024
Women's Family Care Center
Aurora West Allis Medical Center
West Allis
United States




She became a dear friend from the moment we met, and I thank God every day that she was assigned to be my postpartum nurse because I can say with full confidence that I would not be alive and here today if it weren’t for her.
Tori is by far the best nurse I have ever had and the best nurse I have had postpartum. Tori went above and beyond the call of duty. She is pure sunshine and is more of a guardian angel than a nurse. I had planned for a VBAC for my second child, and it didn’t go as planned. I developed chorio during labor and my daughter had to be pushed back up and delivered via emergency c-section. Thus leading to a second very traumatic delivery. As soon as I was taken to the postpartum recovery wing, Tori was waiting in my room for me and gave me a hug. In that moment, I felt like she was the friend I needed and God had sent her to help me through the mess. Tori took extra care with both my husband and I, and assured me over and over again that our baby girl was healthy and didn’t need to go to the NICU like her brother. She told me over and over that I was not just a good mom but an amazing mom. And I believed her. She assured me that nothing was my fault and that I did nothing wrong. And I believed her. As I recovered from what was essentially both a VBAC and a c-section delivery, she made sure to treat me for both. When I pushed myself too hard one morning to try to get home to my son, she took extra care of me to make sure that I stayed one more night to get my mental health in check so that I would be strong enough mentally and physically to be able to go home the next day. She did all of this and more, all while being pregnant herself. Tori is more than a nurse. She became a dear friend from the moment we met, and I thank God every day that she was assigned to be my postpartum nurse because I can say with full confidence that I would not be alive and here today if it weren’t for her. Tori, thank you for everything. Thank you for being you, for going above and beyond, and for being my friend. You are truly an angel.