Traci Wilson
May 2024
Case Management
Bear Valley Community Healthcare District
Big Bear Lake
United States




Traci sprang into action. She quickly made arrangements with the Homeless coalition to put this man up in a motel for the weekend and then for transportation down to residential care on Monday.
On this steadily busy Friday, we had a homeless patient who was set to be discharged. We had arranged for transportation and boarding down the mountain for the weekend and placement in a long-term rehab for Monday. Due to a communication lapse, the floor nurse did not have knowledge of this plan and inadvertently canceled the arrangements. Traci sprang into action. She quickly made arrangements with the Homeless coalition to put this man up in a motel for the weekend and then for transportation down to residential care on Monday. She had 30 minutes to get the patient to the motel and could not find transportation, so Traci drove him to the motel, saw he needed food, and drove to the church for food and the Dollar Tree for a can opener to ensure he would have enough food until Monday. Over the top, above and beyond care. Thank you, Traci, for your dedication to our community and patients.