Tracy Pierce
August 2021
Surgical Services
Phelps Health
United States




During the hard time post-operation, Tracy made us laugh.
Tracy was lighthearted and told B she was her favorite patient when B said some silly things coming out of surgery. During the hard time post-operation, Tracy made us laugh. Tracy then kindly wheeled B downstairs for me to pick her up. My daughter told me that when I was gone, Tracy told her that my running towards my car was something she didn't see very often. Tracy said that I seemed like a very nice person. My daughter told her, "My mom’s the best." Tracy went on to share with B that her mom died three years ago; Tracy then went on the say, "Treasure this time.” My daughter relayed the conversation to me after she came into the car. Hearing my daughter say, "My mom's the best," was reason enough for me to ask that Tracy Pierce be given an award of the highest caliber. Tracy makes me think of the quote by Mother Theresa that says, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." Thank you for hiring Mother Theresa, I mean, Tracy Pierce; she really does change the world with her love.