Trevor Williams
June 2024
Critical Care
Sarasota Memorial Hospital Venice Campus
North Venice
United States




Trevor also made time and space for me and respected privacy with my husband for our final goodbyes. His understanding of my needs was such an extraordinary blessing.
This recommendation has taken a longer time to be written than I wished. This delay in no way reflects any lessening of how strongly I am making this recommendation. In the early morning, I was notified that my husband was in the ICU SMH-V facility. He had been in the hospital the prior three days for treatment of pulmonary emboli secondary to chemotherapy. The previous evening, I visited, and his situation was resolving; discharge was anticipated for the next day or so. The news was also encouraging as, from all markers, it appeared he was cancer-free. So, we were preparing for his coming home. Sometime in the early morning hours, he experienced an episode that ended in a cardiac arrest. Despite CPR measures, he was unable to sustain his vital signs independently and was placed on life support. I only give these details to help understand that it was a sudden unexpected outcome and sets the stage for understanding the next 12 hours of extraordinary nursing care. I would also like to note that I am a retired APRN with over 45 years of clinical and teaching nursing experience. I feel qualified to have an insightful and knowledgeable ability to reflect and comment on nursing care and best practice(s).

Shortly after my arrival at the ICU, I met Nurse Trevor Williams, who was beginning his day shift of 7 a-7 p and was assigned to my husband’s care. Despite having a professional background, walking into this unexpected situation was overwhelming. In one word, I can say that Trevor's care was Exceptional. Aside from being clinically astute and providing excellent technical skills, he provided a level of support and compassion that was above and beyond what would be expected. Trevor included me throughout the day, paying attention to my well-being. His presence was a comfort and constantly felt. Yet, Trevor also made time and space for me and respected privacy with my husband for our final goodbyes. His understanding of my needs was such an extraordinary blessing. I truly felt Trevor was with me throughout this entire unexpected day. My trust in him gave me a level of calm and strength to make important decisions as the day progressed. Trevor is a model of compassion at a level that is rare. It is my extreme pleasure to recommend Trevor Williams for the DAISY Award as a small recognition and thank you for the Exceptional care my husband and I received.