Trisha Sorrells
February 2016
Neonatal ICU
Mission Hospital
United States




When I gave birth to my son, he weighed one pound and 12 ounces, and I was only 24 weeks pregnant. I wasn't sure of what was to come in our neonatal ICU journey over the next one hundred and three days, but I knew I was scared to death.
The first time I got to see my son, I was greeted by Trisha. She explained to me what kind of care they were giving him, what all the wires were that he was hooked up to, and what they monitored. That night when I left, she told me that she would take good care of him and keep a close eye on him. Trisha told me that every night she worked for the next three and a half months, and I knew she meant it.
I quickly became very fond of Trisha and loved having her as my son's nurse. When she worked, it let my mind rest. I felt like I didn't have to worry if my son was being taken care of, because I had no doubts that he was. She was so much more than my son's nurse. She was a true advocate for him. When any changes were made or I had a question, I wanted to run it by her. She became "my go-to person". I looked to her for the answers. I felt like she knew what was best for my son in his care. The way she spent time with him and talked to him, I could tell he wasn't just another patient to her. She cared for him; she showed him true compassion.
Trisha is everything a nurse should be, a true gift from God for our family. Without her being my son's nurse, I don't think I could have gotten through this hard time in our life. With this award, I want her to be recognized for the truly amazing, caring and compassionate nurse she is! She will always hold a special place in my heart for caring for my son. This DAISY Award is an honor, and it was such an honor having her as our nurse.