Tymeeka Davis
July 2023
Ambulatory Care Nursing Service
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
Las Vegas
United States




She exemplifies extraordinary leadership by bringing the best out of her team through her continual encouragement to grow both professionally and personally.
Dr. Tymeeka Davis is a visionary leader who has contributed many accomplishments to our service in her 1 year as Assistant ANE. She exemplifies extraordinary leadership by bringing the best out of her team through her continual encouragement to grow both professionally and personally. She is a true example of a leader who lives their best life at work and home. Her positive energy is infectious among all those around her. In the past year, Dr. Davis has started several new programs in Ambulatory Care Nursing, including her BIG vision for The Ambulatory Care University. This team started with one Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL). Due to challenges in finding another qualified CNL, Dr. Davis created several new positions. She created the Clinical Practice Coordinator (CPC) and Clinical Development Specialist (CDS) positions. We now have a team of 1 CNL, 1 CPC, 1 CDC (plus one more coming on board soon), and 2 LPN leads on our team. With this growing leadership support team, we can support our growing service, Veterans, and Staff needs.

In addition, Dr. Davis has successfully implemented and participated in the following:

-LPN new graduate program in Ambulatory Care. 3 new graduate LPNs were successfully hired into our service this year.

-Pseudo-PACT model in our Oncology Clinic to improve Veteran care and clinic flow

-Organized the Gerontology Certification Course to be offered on-site in which 11 LPNs have become certified

-Listened to staff requesting additional education and facilitated monthly Lunch-N-Learns to be offered to all clinical staff in VASNHS

-Gives back to the community with her "I Nurse II Another" nonprofit organization that helps single parents in nursing school

-Secured our College of Southern Nevada (CSN) Affiliation agreement so we can start providing clinical preceptorship to LPN students. She is also a guest speaker at the upcoming CSN pinning ceremony.

-She is a Nurse Banquet Committee member- helped raise funds for the event.

These are just a few of the highlights of Dr. Davis' past year with us. She started her new position on fire with a lot of ideas of how we can improve, grow, encourage, and support our service, and she is still burning away! Her passion and encouragement drives us all to do better. She is a true DAISY Nurse Leader. She exemplifies excellence in Leadership every day.