Tyson Cason
August 2021
Boone Hospital Center
United States




In this time in our society and country's upheaval, it is so important to have professionals such as Tyson leading the way in the medical field.
Needless to say, no matter the type of surgery one is facing, anxiety and discomfort seem to dominate the pre-op process. However, Tyson came in with a smile on his face, words of comfort in his voice, and positivity in doing his required duties that immediately made me feel comfortable and reassured that all would go well. And despite the fact he had many, many other patients he had taken care of that week and would face more the next day, I felt as if I were his special patient! He was professional. He was knowledgeable. He was interested. He was uplifting. He loves his job! He answered my questions, no matter how mundane they sounded.

I have been in this pre-op situation three times in the past 12 months. I wasn't just one in ten that had to be there at 5:30 a.m. I was a person that needed reassurance and comfort. He provided that within the realm of his profession and he did it very well. I suppose the "icing on the cake" was when I received a call from him the morning after my outpatient surgery. He wanted to know how I was doing. I've never had that kind of call from pre-op before, and I was flabbergasted.

Once again, he reassured me that I was going to be okay! In this time in our society and country's upheaval, it is so important to have professionals such as Tyson leading the way in the medical field. I want to personally thank him for his service, his dedication, his knowledge, and his ability in helping people who are not well to get well! Thank you. And I'm doing great, by the way!