Behavioral Health Inpatient Team at UVACH PWMC
May 2023
Behavioral Health Inpatient Team
Behavioral Health Inpatient Unit
UVA Health Prince William Medical Center
United States
Nurses: Behavioral Health Techs: Safety Attendants:
Jennifer Hanni MSN, RN Linda Acheampong Pearl Osei
Enayat Salehi BSN, RN Adeosun Adetokunbo Katie Buckman
Abir Abdallah RN Ama Afram
Helena Asuama RN Margaret Ansah Provider:
Shirmaine Baltimore RN Monique Harris Dr. M. Ghairatmal
Melonee Craig RN Virginia Huerta
Imelda Dampios RN Marie Laureano Therapists:
Georgelene Humberg RN Ting Li Dorinda Hammond
Catherine Idigo RN Agnes Mensah Catherine Mason
Kadiatu Kanu RN Makika Mirganieva Susan Mayzel
Kadijatu Kamara RN Maria Rivas Meghan McPherson
Kate Leahy RN Ishmael Rivera Suzy Kate Ngale
Paula Smith RN Clelia Rojas
Hae Tucker RN Angela Wean
Deidre West RN
John Wilson LPN
Yuan Yuan Yu RN




I would like to recognize the Behavioral Health Inpatient (BHIP) Team. Their collaboration and dedication to providing a patient-centered care experience for each patient was demonstrated in an extraordinary way for a Muslim female patient admitted for depression and suicidal ideation during the holiday of Ramadan. The patient's admission was a total of 7 days.  

Led by Enayat Salehi BSN, RN (Assistant Nurse Manager) and Jenni Hanni MSN, RN (Nurse Manager)- I take pride on behalf of the BHIP team to share the following Care Planning accommodations provided to this patient. 

1.    Obtained provider orders for the following exceptions to BHIP protocols:
a.    Permit food prepared at home by family for all meals to support the Halal diet.
b.    Allowed to keep her Hijab. 
c.    Assigned 1:1 safety attendant to ensure safety due to having the Hijab on. 
d.    Medication orders amended for dosing to not interfere with fasting hours. 
2.    Prayer carpet was made available in patient room as well as a copy of Holy Quran brought from home. 
3.    Only female nurses, behavioral health techs and safety attendants were assigned per patient request. 
4.    Emphasis at each shift huddle on reminding all team members to encourage and provide plenty of fluids overnight to compensate for fluid intake deficit during fasting hours. 
5.    In-person interpreter arranged for daytime; Virtual video interpreters used on nights. 
6.    Nursing keeping time for patient to ensure the pre-dawn meal (Suhoor) and sunset meal (Iftaar)
7.    Patient allowed to eat in room per patient request to accommodate for religious teaching of keeping distance from strangers of opposite gender. 

Care plan individualized to include accommodations of spiritual care. Verbiage includes: 
    “Patient observing Ramadan.”
    “Feels balance and connection with higher power that empowers the self during times of loss, guilt and fear”
Nursing Long Term Goal= “During stay patient was supported for prayer including wearing hijab and adjustment for meal and medication times as needed.” 
1. Create Safe Environment for the patient through empathic presence & non-judgmental listening
2. Encourage use of Cultural and Spiritual Celebrations 
3. Respond to Patient/Family need for prayer
4. Assess for safety to support wearing hijab
5 Encourage meals and fluids during night time to compensate for fluid intake deficit during fasting hours.”

During nursing leadership rounding, the patient verbalized that she was extremely satisfied and grateful for the accommodations provided. She said the treatment and the accommodations helped her feel a lot better. She felt she was ready to go home on the day of discharge. She asked Enayat to thank everyone on the BHIP team for her for the way she was cared for during her stay.