Valeria Flores-Rivero
February 2022
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford
Palo Alto
United States




There are many times when I've seen her in action as a patient advocate, supportive coworker, and all-around outstanding nurse.
Valeria is outstanding, not just as a nurse, but as a person. When I first met her, years ago, she had floated to our oncology unit. With her cheeriness, positive attitude, eagerness to learn, and willingness to help everyone, she was such a pleasure to be around. I know I was not alone in wanting her to join our unit. She eventually did, and years later, she continues to demonstrate all of those exceptional qualities.

There are many times when I've seen her in action as a patient advocate, supportive coworker, and all-around outstanding nurse. Tonight, I transferred a 2-year-old patient to her. When mom, patient, and I walked onto the unit Valeria met us in the hallway, got down on the 2-year-old's level, and chatted and laughed with him to help him feel comfortable with his new nurse and new unit. Her interactions with mom were friendly and professional, she included mom in the plan of care for the remainder of the night. Taking the mom's concerns into consideration about the lack of sleep with a toddler in the crib when he was used to co-sleeping, she gently explained that the patient would need to sleep in the crib for the patient's safety. Also acknowledging mom’s concerns suggested having the toddler fall asleep in mom's arms prior to moving him to the crib for the night. Valeria thanked me for the care I had provided the patient before his transfer, and I overheard her telling the unit Team Lead (when help was offered for settling the patient) that I had already taken care of everything before the transfer. I use that as an example of how she builds people up, having kind words to say not only to but about others.

In all her interactions that I've witnessed with patients and families, she provides excellent, genuinely caring, family-centered patient care. I don't usually use the word always, but in this case, it's accurate, Valeria is ALWAYS sweet, kind, caring, encouraging, supportive, friendly, and professional to everyone I've seen her interact with. When I pass her in the hallway, even if she's busy, she takes the time to give a friendly smile and a few words of greeting. She’s great about introducing herself to new staff and introducing new staff to fellow coworkers.

In her new role as HEART Lead for PCU 500/520 she has gone above and beyond with her words of encouragement to staff, the activities, and events she plans for the unit, and just whatever she can do to make the workplace a happy and positive environment. I was amazed at all the time and effort she put into organizing Nurse Week activities and holiday events for the unit, and not just for her unit, she includes we nurses on the Bass Float Team and Day Hospital nurses as well. She has just been incredible in this role. I know her efforts have been noticed by the unit as there have been emails from staff thanking Valeria for all she does for us in her HEART Lead role. And she is so humble and open to feedback on what she can do to make the work environment even better. Valeria is an outstanding nurse and incredible person and is truly deserving of a DAISY Award.