July 2021
5 Hayes
Shore Medical Center
Somers Point
United States




When the hospital first started receiving COVID-19 patients it was a very unsettling time for all healthcare workers. It was new and scary. The policies were being formed and ever-changing as new information was learned. The hospital opened a temporary COVID-19 unit on 4 Whitby. At this time nursing was responsible for all patient care including housekeeping.

Valerie volunteered all of her shifts during this time to go down to the COVID unit and care for these patients. The mental and physical toll was difficult and yet she remained dedicated to patients that were sick and afraid of all of the unknown things that we had not yet learned about the virus. Val never called out and forged through providing the best care possible while being a lifeline for these patients. All of the nurses working those rooms especially in the beginning are all heroes in my mind. Valerie comes to mind immediately when I think of how much of herself she gave at such an incredibly difficult time in history.