Valerie Terlingo
December 2019
Peds Hematology/Oncology
Wolfson Children's Hospital
United States




Valerie is constantly going above and beyond for our team, patients, and families. She is a huge advocate, making sure her patients and families receive the absolute best care possible. She collaborates with the interdisciplinary team to ensure different forms of care are given to her patients, therefore, providing ample opportunities to increase patient and family satisfaction. She takes on extra projects. She is continuously coming in to help out when staff is low.
Just one example of how Valerie exudes positivity, compassion, and commitment to her team is last week when she came into work for a few hours when the floor needed extra help. Upon arrival, she was given the position of charge nurse that day. Valerie could have easily become overwhelmed and frustrated with the situation, however, she took what she was given and once again, performed above and beyond what was expected of her.
I saw her check-in with her nurses multiple times, constantly offering help to others while balancing everything else that she had to do that day in the short amount of time that she came in to help. She did not complain once that day but instead made sure everything was taken care of appropriately to help her team. I am thankful to work alongside Valerie and to be able to call her my coworker. Valerie gives her all at work every single day.
Valerie, thank you for sharing your many gifts with us at Wolfson. Congratulations, you make us proud!