Vanessa Murguia
January 2022
8A Med-Surg
Denver Health
United States




Vanessa was fully present and engaged as she provided compassionate, competent care, eliciting the trust of the patient and her family.
Vanessa is an incredible nurse. She cared for a patient this week facing end-of-life issues. The patient was Spanish-speaking and was comforted by Vanessa's care and communication, all delivered in Spanish. This was such a gift. Vanessa was fully present and engaged as she provided compassionate, competent care, eliciting the trust of the patient and her family. The patient had family members attempting to visit from Mexico in light of their loved one's terminal diagnosis. Vanessa collaborated with the physician team and the clinical social worker by requesting the physician write a letter that would grant permission for the family members to cross into the United States. The patient was discharged to hospice prior to this letter being completed, although Vanessa started her work day still trying to ensure and facilitate this border crossing. She contacted the social worker a second time and finally procured the letter. She then contacted the family embers, still waiting at the border, and successfully sent the required letter. Through Vanessa's above and beyond effort, the family members entered the USA to be present with their loved one.