Victoria Bruns
July 2023
The Grand Lake Health System
Saint Marys
United States




Throughout our 7 weeks of quality time, Victoria updated meds, showed the family how to make slurries for medication administration, and kept us on an ever-changing medication schedule to best fit the needs of my Mom from day to day.
Victoria was an angel from heaven for our family. We first met Victoria when my Mom was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. My mother declined any medications to prolong her life. She decided that quality was better than quantity of life. Victoria came to our house to explain what Hospice could do for our family. A very clear explanation was given about what to expect and what Hospice could provide to help us through this journey at home.

My Mom also had other issues to deal with besides cancer. She was on oxygen 100% of the time. Had Alpha 1 disease, CHF, recently had a pacemaker put in, and we have dealt with paranoid schizophrenia for over 35 years. The mixture of medicines had to be closely watched. Throughout our 7 weeks of quality time, Victoria updated meds, showed the family how to make slurries for medication administration, and kept us on an ever-changing medication schedule to best fit the needs of my Mom from day to day. She showed Mom how to safely use her walker, what foods would be the best to eat, and how tying up loose ends with any family members would bring greater peace as she progressed toward the end. Putting as much time into positive mental health as we did physical health was recommended by Victoria. This concept really paid off.

We invited as many friends and family to come see and visit Mom while she was still alert and communicating. You could tell she very much enjoyed her visitors and enjoyed talking about the past and the good times. Victoria also kept an eye on the immediate family. She always asked how everyone was doing (coping) with the day-to-day situation and watching Mom decline. She always had a positive attitude and directed us in the right direction. She explained what she was looking for and what we should be looking for to see the subtle changes of decline.

We all felt connected and calm with the direction we received from Victoria. She always made sure we had the Hospice number close and we could call anytime with any questions. She really made our family feel safe and that we could go through this at home with confidence and not be scared of the unknown. Ultimately, when my Mom passed, she passed very peacefully. Victoria reassured us of how to properly administer the morphine to keep my Mom comfortable and not struggle with breathing. My Mom's passing was a beautiful event and memory thanks to Victoria’s guidance and help. We will be forever grateful to her.