Victoria S Schlup
May 2024
Victoria S
Women's Life Center
Newman Regional Health
United States




During my epidural she sat on the bed next to me and helped soothe me and talk me through each contraction.
We had Victoria (Tori) as our labor and delivery nurse when we delivered our twin girls in January. My husband and I were nervous about how the labor and delivery process would go for us this time for many reasons. We had a very hectic/traumatic delivery 6.5 years ago with our oldest. This go around was a million times better. Tori took the time to explain things to us and keep us informed through the entire process. We never once felt like she tried to hide anything from us. During my epidural she sat on the bed next to me and helped soothe me and talk me through each contraction. She made me feel so empowered. When it came time to deliver our girls, she stood by my side and guided me with each push. Cheering me on like she was my biggest fan. One of our twins needed extra support in the nursery, just like with me, Tori explained everything that was going on with twin B. The biggest thing that stood out to me and my husband was watching Tori help our 6.5-year-old daughter learn how to feed and burp her sisters. She wasn’t asked to do that, she just did it. Tori got on our daughter’s level and helped her learn. I will forever cherish that memory. We ended up being in the hospital for 7 days total and had Tori for several of those days. Dang near every time she was in our room she would tell me what a rockstar I was for delivering TWO babies naturally and what a great job I was doing taking care of our girls. The encouragement was never ending. We can’t honestly thank all of our amazing nurses and Drs. That took care of during our stay. It was a healing experience for my husband and I, as well as a great way to start a new chapter of our lives.