Vijayakumari Rabi Raja Christopher
October 2015
Pavilion Surgery Center
Children's Health, Children's Medical Center Dallas
United States




VijayakumariRabi Raja Christopher, better known as Viji by her co-workers, has consistantly delivered nursing care in the opthalmology suites. Recently she has been part of a team that is doing research with a cutting edge technology of a much needed anterior intraocular lens. The young children in this program have the opportunity to have a lens placed in front of the iris so they will have focusing ability. Viji has given encouragement to the families and comfort to these children by her kind spirit and words.
Viji demonstrates exemplary service as evidenced by an episode when she disregarded her own physical safety in order to protect her patient. As an O.R. nurse Viji was with difficult patient back to the O.R. The patient had already been premedicated and was quite unsteady, when he was in danger of falling. Viji grabbed the patient close to her body and used her body to protect the patient from sustaining injury. Viji was not as lucky, she injured her back protecting her patient. She is extremely compassionate and caring, always thinking of what is best for her patients no matter what.