December 2020
Seacoast Family Care Services
Portsmouth Regional Hospital




Ginny was so kind and compassionate staying with me that first night at 2 am when I couldn't sleep.
In 2020 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, A, a little earlier than expected at 36 weeks. A had to spend a few extra nights in the nursery. Throughout the long lonely nights, Ginny provided around-the-clock care for A by diligently monitoring his breathing, vitals, and IV. She went above the call of duty to provide comfort and assurance to me, a terrified hormonal mom who was scared to hold her fragile son amongst all the wires and machines. But Ginny was so kind and compassionate staying with me that first night at 2 am when I couldn't sleep. She helped me hold A and bond with him that first scary night. Talked me through all my fears and anxieties. Without Ginny, I don't think A nor I would be so attached. Even though A was unable to nurse in the first 24 hours, she helped me self-express and hold A to promote skin-to-skin contact. I attribute his latch and ability to nurse to Ginny. She truly helped both of us heal physically and emotionally.