Wai Hernandez
February 2022
3B Med-Surg
VA Central Iowa Healthcare Systems
Des Moines
United States




Wai's calm, cool demeanor and professionalism would shine through time after time.
During my stay on 3B a particular nurse stood out, and I’ll always be grateful for her calmness and steady professionalism. When she was on shift it was a relief to me because I know that she would come around even though I didn’t press the call light. Whenever she was on, it was very noticeable to me how detailed and professional she was because she ALWAYS checked and made sure my whiteboard was accurate and up-to-date, RN/aide names changed, etc. During my week-long stay there, I certainly wasn’t my best self. I was depressed, anxious, bitter, and definitely irritable. Unfortunately, she became the target of my irritability and bitterness. When she came into my room and tried to say encouraging things to get me up and moving, or to go for a walk, or sometimes she would try to tell me the downside of withdrawals if I kept refusing to take some of my prescribed medications. Her calm, cool demeanor and professionalism would shine through time after time, as I would rudely cut her off and talk over her as she calmly tried to give me all of the possible options and possible outcomes of walking and taking my meds versus the impact if I didn’t get up and move around or continue to refuse my meds. But, no matter how obnoxious or rude I was toward her, or if I had snapped at her, she was ALWAYS consistently calm and extremely professional, and would calmly say, “Sir, I’m just trying to be your nurse.” as I look back on it now, I think that it’s amazing how calm she was when she would say that to me whenever I would rudely interrupt her or talk over her. On the morning of my discharge, I still was an angry, bitter, snapping turtle as I angrily took off the cuff, stood up, and went into the bathroom as she was in the middle of taking my vitals, and removing my PICC line. She entered my room while seeing that I was struggling with my personal belongings bag and noticed that the draw-string on the bag had broken, so she immediately said. “I’ll go and get you a new bag.” and within a quick minute, she’d come back with a new personal belongings bag. Without dwelling on my recent negative behavior, she resumed getting my final vitals done, and then she removed the PICC line. I didn’t have to ask questions as she answered all of them. These are some of the many reasons why I am nominating her for this award because she was consistently caring, and professional in spite of my rudeness and bitterness while was her patient on 3B.