Wendy Deaton
May 2023
Perioperative Services & Digestive Health Center
Ascension St. Vincent Hospital
United States




Her servant's heart guides all of her actions to ultimately make this a better place and the BEST experience for every patient.  The patient is always first, and so are her people!
Wendy Deaton is an incredible leader and person and is so deserving of recognition for everything she does for our division, but also for Ascension as a whole.   Wendy is one of the most compassionate people I have ever met.  She possesses keen self-awareness, presents herself as constant and consistent, and is a role model for all of us on her team.  As our leader in Perioperative Services, I would describe her as having wisdom, passion, drive, foresight, and perseverance. She ALWAYS takes action and leads by example.  Her dedication is admirable.  She is truly an inspiration.  

Here are some unique perspectives on Wendy to support why she is deserving of this award, and why she is such a strong asset to Ascension St. Vincent.  

Wendy is an AUTHENTIC leader. She is genuine. She is confident in who she is but is always honest when she is unsure about something and when there are things to learn.

Wendy is a COGNIZANT leader. She is mindful, aware, and attentive to those around her. She notices things before they become problems. She is intuitive about where help is needed. She goes above and beyond every day, helping her managers by sharing our workload. I have seen Wendy on her hands and knees cleaning baseboards in patient rooms, cleaning out refrigerators, rescue staffing on our units, entering work orders, following up on unfinished business, and in general, is just always there for people, meeting them halfway to support them.

Wendy is a DEVOTED leader. She is dependable. She works tirelessly. She typically is busy solving problems and supporting her teams,  saving her "real" work for later hours. She holds herself accountable for her actions. We can count on her to be consistent. She is always sticking it out, even when things suck!  You can often find her here past 6 pm, working away in the PACU to support the staff through their busy hours. 

Wendy is OPTIMISTIC. She is encouraging us by "walking the walk" with us. She always has her helping hand in everything. She uses humor with a sensibility to help us all get through challenging times.  She is empowering through her support and guidance.

Wendy is a RESPECTED leader. Wendy truly gives it her all. She is fully present, assessable, available, and responsive. You want to follow her because her actions foster respect.

Wendy is a VIRTUOUS leader. She has an inner moral compass that guides her through every action. She never waivers. She is honest, pragmatic, and has integrity which is reflected in all that she does.  

Wendy is a PURPOSEFUL leader.  She is driven by our mission.  The mission is the center, the most important thing that drives her.  Her servant's heart guides all of her actions to ultimately make this a better place and the BEST experience for every patient. The patient is always first, and so are her people!  Wendy has helped countless employees through troublesome times in their lives, always finding a way to help support them, comfort them, listen, and of course find solutions for them!  It is incredible!

Wendy is TRUTHFUL.  She is honest.  Her word is her bond!

Wendy is a COURAGEOUS leader.  Wendy always speaks up.  She is the voice for all of us without a voice. She makes sure our needs are met, our concerns heard, and that our problems have solutions.  She takes risks by speaking up.  She thinks creatively about solutions and our future both at the unit level and organizationally.

In my opinion, Wendy Deaton embodies all of these important attributes which make her a hugely successful leader.  Despite all of these amazing qualities, she is truly a HUMBLE leader.  Wendy is self-effacing, appreciative, and gracious.  What makes her great is that she recognizes we are a TEAM, and that no one could ever or would ever want to do it alone!

Wendy knows the value of her teams and is genuinely grateful for all of us.  She lets all of us know it,  and her leadership is centered on her recognition that success is shared.  She is one of a kind and the BEST!!  I am thankful for her every day.