Wendy Farrell
May 2020
Wound Care
UPMC Hamot




I held my tears back throughout the whole process. I finally cried when Wendy came back out to talk with us and she hugged me while I cried and let everything out.
My mother had an ileostomy done and had Wendy as a wound care nurse. My mother always speaks so highly of her and she has been so comforting through this journey. My mother came back to the hospital for an APR resection and new colostomy placement. The surgery was quite lengthy and the wait was very difficult for us. It was the day before Thanksgiving and Wendy came to find my family after her shift was over. She went to go check on my mother for me and came back out to let us know. I held my tears back throughout the whole process. I finally cried when Wendy came back out to talk with us and she hugged me while I cried and let everything out. She has been so wonderful. I appreciate all the love and support Wendy has given us. She is such a wonderful nurse and has made our journey that much easier. Thank you so much Wendy for being the person you are and choosing to have a career at UPMC Hamot. I am so happy you have been a part of my Mom's road to recovery. I will never forget you and I'm sure she won't either.
The Best Nurse I have ever met!
Thank you!