Wendy Hatfield
February 2022
Nursing Prof Dev Specialist
Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital
Virginia Beach
United States




Wendy has a way with her words and a tenderness about her that ensures her patients feel at ease with her.
Wendy Hatfield demonstrates the PETALs Criteria each day that she steps into the building. I have been lucky to experience these traits of hers as both her colleague and as a family member and friend of multiple patients she has had contact with over the past few years. Wendy has a PASSION for quality and compassionate care in nursing. Both of my grandparents were admitted to SVBGH early on for Covid. My grandfather's mental capacity was difficult to work with and she helped guide me and educate me on how to better cope with it. Wendy also was the first one to catch that my grandmother's wishes were not reflected in the code status on her chart. She sat down with my very fearful grandmother (of her covid diagnosis and the fact that my grandfather was sick too) and helped her understand what the code status meant physically. She ensured her true wishes were mirrored in her chart.

Wendy is not only passionate about her patients and families receiving great care, but she is also passionate about the comfort level our bedside staff has with the palliative care patient population. Wendy consistently has ideas and she actively pursues ways to help better the knowledge of our clinical staff to care for and speak with patients and families about comfort, hospice, and end of life.

Wendy displays EMPATHY with each touch and word she shares with patients. Recently, I had a long-time neighbor admitted here. He was dying unexpectedly and it was difficult for the family to cope and fully understand the gravity of the situation. As a friend of the family, I only felt comfortable explaining so much. Wendy empathized with my position and the family and helped me with the difficult conversations the family and patient needed so that he could experience a dignified and more comfortable end to his life.

Wendy is the ultimate TEAM PLAYER and is TRUSTED by both patients and her peers. She has a way with her words and a tenderness about her that ensures her patients feel at ease with her. The clinical staff seeks her out for help with making patients feel better as well as having those difficult decisions. Wendy never makes our teammates feel incompetent or unsure of themselves. She guides them and is willing to always teach and coach. She builds their confidence and the staff buzz about her in the building.

I ADMIRE Wendy regularly. She is a significant asset to our hospital. She is caring, kind, and willing to jump in regardless of the situation. My grandfather significantly declined after his time with Covid here at SVBGH. Without even being asked, Wendy came to his home and helped me make him more comfortable, and again, helped guide me through the difficult process that was in motion. She even helped me explain things to the rest of my family when I was not in a state to do so.

Wendy has a LOVE for all things nursing. She holds a professional certification and has even taught our staff the ELNEC (End-Of- Life-Care) program. She cares about the learning process of our staff while guiding them through the care of a large number of patients here at SVBGH. While being redeployed in direct patient care, Wendy has still managed to help our patients deal with difficult decisions. She has maintained the ability to help our staff, from MDs to brand new RNs and NCPs, learn about proper care of patients in the end stages of their lives. She holds hands, tells stories, cries, and laughs with patients and nurses. She helps tremendously with our nurse residency, not by requirement, but out of want. All of this and more describes how SELFLESS Wendy is and that is why Wendy Hatfield is a true DAISY Nurse.