Wendy Moore
May 2023
Schneck Medical Center
United States




Wendy had her hand on his shoulder so he would know someone was there. She kept talking to him saying things like, "you're not alone, help is on the way."

In 2022, Wendy was driving home from work just a little before 3pm. She came upon a car crash that involved a red truck and 2 dump trucks. Without hesitation, she jumped out of her car to see if there was anything she could do. At that moment, police but not EMS had showed up. Both dump truck drivers were fine and out of their trucks, but the man in the red truck wasn’t fine. Wendy didn’t know his name or anything, but went straight to the truck to see if there was anything she could do for him. She and I have talked so I know what she has told me.

The way the man was positioned, Wendy wasn’t able to see his face or get to his hands. There was also another woman there that was on the passenger side of the truck and actually crawled in to keep a check on his pulse, because at this time the man was non-responsive, but he was still breathing and had a pulse. Wendy had her hand on his shoulder so he would know someone was there. She kept talking to him saying things like, "you're not alone, help is on the way." She even prayed for him. She kept doing this things over and over without hesitation until the man didn’t have a pulse anymore. You see, when this man passed away he wasn’t alone; I know without a doubt he heard her voice. Wendy said he had no signs of pain like heavy breathing or moaning, so In my eyes the man went peacefully.

I am actually a RN also. I know Wendy didn’t have to even get out of her car that day but she had the courage to. Just to let you know, I am that man’s little sister. So from all of the family, Wendy was our miracle that horrible day, because none of us were there. She gave him what we couldn’t get him, and he went knowing that he wasn’t alone. I will never be able to thank her enough. Wendy went above and beyond her job. She helped a complete stranger leave this world peacefully. I will never forget that. I know it’s a true tragedy but Wendy made us have comfort and peace knowing my brother wasn’t alone when he passed away.