Wendy Sue Rosia
December 2021
Wendy Sue
Aultman Compassionate Care Center
Aultman Women's Board Compassionate Care Center
United States




Wendy's compassion for this patient and his family will never be forgotten.
Our patient was a young man, age 46, who passed away in The Compassionate Care Center after two weeks in our care. I will call him B. It was a particularly emotional situation given B's young age, young wife, two children and many family members who wanted to be near. Wendy took care of B on the day he died. His condition deteriorated significantly within 48 hours of his death. Family members wanted to be at his bedside. His discomfort added to their frustration. Ordered medications given for pain and shortness of breath seemed ineffective. Wendy had an idea. She understands the mind, body, and spirit concept of human life. She spent time educating B's family to leave the room, if only for a short time. She helped them understand that "Death is a sacred event and a few minutes alone could help B. transition to the end of his journey". She encouraged them to go into the chapel with their ministers to say a prayer for B's for pain relief and ease of his respirations. After much discussion, family members agreed to Wendy's suggestion. Wendy and B's wife never left the room. Wendy told him that he was alone, and it was OK for him to leave. Slowly, B’s respirations eased, he was no longer in pain, and was able to achieve comfort in his final moments. Family members returned to the room shortly after and witnessed B take his last breaths in peace and comfort. One person said that she was "glad Wendy had us leave because B may still be here struggling". Wendy's compassion for this patient and his family will never be forgotten. It is rare to be in a profession where we experience life's momentous events from birth to death. Wendy embraces this notion every day. She said a prayer for B and his family on her drive home from work. I am humbled to work among all my colleagues, Wendy exemplifies why many of us choose nursing as a profession.