Wendy Willard
May 2020
Medical Unit
Cone Health - Wesley Long Hospital
United States




Dealing with an autoimmune disorder, I was very frustrated with having to be admitted. Wendy took the time to speak with me. From the beginning, she displayed a great attitude and stayed positive. She ensured me she would help in any way she could. After that conversation, I felt better and put forth my best attitude throughout my stay. She went above and beyond standard care to ensure my care, comfort, and happiness.
When I was first admitted, my medication and home medication wasn't accurate. There were multiple nights I stayed in my room and cried because of my pain and/or I wasn't feeling well. She listened and always kept an open ear. She always had the mentality she was going to fix or help the best way she could. She spent days talking with doctors until I was no longer crying myself to sleep. Wendy showed true extraordinary compassion. She never judged me, and she treated me like I was a person and not just another patient. All my medications and extra items I asked for are now accurate. I'm thankful for her understanding, patience, and persistence.
Being in the hospital frequently, I've met my fair share of nurses and doctors. I can tell she has the heart and compassion for her job. One of the best nurses I've ever met, and I'm ecstatic that nurses like her still exist. She was my voice when I didn't have one. My courage when I wanted to leave. She truly is amazing, and I wanted to send her a huge thank you and let her know she is appreciated.