Wenona Scott
March 2022
Carilion New River Valley Medical Center
United States




Wenona made me feel heard and cared for and that was a huge relief.
Wenona went above and beyond to care for my wife and me. It was an amazing experience.


Wenona was very supportive and encouraged me to trust my instincts in the delivery process. Afterward, she provided incredible emotional support as I struggled to breastfeed. She was present at all feedings, she modeled and coached effective ways to get my baby to latch, wake up, and suck. She kept reassuring me that my baby was getting enough to eat and that our struggles were very normal. I inquired numerous times about using formula and she never made me feel bad or like a failure for doing it. I still wasn’t convinced that I wanted to switch and not breastfeed given her assurances that my baby was right on track and acting like a normal newborn. During one feeding I asked her if it made me selfish to switch to formula simply because it hurt so much to have her latch. She said absolutely not and suggested a way for my baby to have the best of both worlds. Breastmilk and my peace of mind that my baby was getting enough milk/colostrum. She suggested we feed on the breast for a period of time and top off with formula. She told me how much formula to give to prevent overfeeding and stretching her tummy, it worked. She latched better and I felt better too. She made me feel heard and cared for and that was a huge relief. Wenona not only took care of our physical needs but was there every step of the way to support my mental health and the tumultuous emotional roller coaster the last few days have been. I will always be grateful to her for that.