Whitney Hanson
November 2020
Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit
Rush University Medical Center




Whitney assured me through my anxiety that it was OK for me to stay put. He was in the best care. I was hysterical, she kept assuring me.
Whitney was my ROCK. My husband was rushed by ambulance to Rush downtown with a brain bleed in late August. I was hysterical, frightened, and unable to drive myself downtown.
This is where Whitney comes in, she called kept me informed through this process. She called me on my cell to let me know what was happening. Due to COVID-19, it was better that I stay with my daughters until we knew what the situation would be. Our family has been diligent to not get this worldwide pandemic. She assured me through my anxiety that it was OK for me to stay put. He was in the best care. I was hysterical, she kept assuring me. That night, my husband gave her our life story, our girls, marriage, and perhaps his retirement plans. He invited her to Thanksgiving. She also called to tell me he was scheduled for surgery at 8:00 am the next morning.
The following day at 7:30 am, Whit called me to say he was going into surgery. It would be a few hours and the girls, and I should be ready to come when she called. True to her word, she told us it was time to come. I was a terrified nervous wreck. When I saw Whit, it was like seeing my best friend. That person I had relied on for the last 15 hours to keep my husband alive. She was my RUSH ROCK. She told me after that her shift was done, and she was off for the weekend. I said thanks for all the communication, and I would expect the same from the other nurses. She basically said to me that she knew how distraught, and how much anxiety I had so she had kept in better contact. She said she would check in on Monday when she came back and had time. Again, true to her word, she came to visit. The first thing out of her mouth, how are you doing? Then I did what you are not supposed to do, I hugged her. Her compassion and empathy were truly a GOD send.
The most comforting thing to me, was 2 of her colleagues told me if I felt that warmly about this woman, I should nominate her. They love her too. There will be a seat at my Thanksgiving table because we are blessed this year. Thank you, Rush and Whitney Hanson.